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The “Hundredth meridian” expedition chases sports, informational and scientific goals. Its sports part is coordinated with the Russian association of hike travelers, the scientific part will be done by request of the Russian Academy of Science. Through the mass media an intensive popularization of long travelling will be done.

The sports goals:

1. For the first time in the world history it is supposed to cross the Eurasia from the extreme southern point (the Cape Piai, Malaysia) to the very northern one (the Cape of Chelyuskin, Russia) using only muscular force and in uninterrupted travelling.
2. It is rising to the Nyaingentanglha of 7000 m high. Russian mountaineers have never been there.
3. It is crossing of the Gobi desert (Mongolia) in the summer (600 km, maximum temperature is +45 °C).
4. It is crossing of the Taimyr peninsula under the conditions of the Polar Night (705 km by skiing, average temperature is –28-30 °C).

Scientific goals:

5. In the course of the travelling it is supposed to gather the ground in order to gain the additional information about consequences, character and nature of Tungus meteorite, flied over the Hundredth meridian in 1908.
6. Data gathering for the investigation of adaptation resources concerning the perception of different food by the participants of the expedition (by request of the Institute of Nutrition and Dietology of Russian Academy of Science ).
7. The complex testing of physical and psychological state of organism in different conditions (desert, mountains, heat, polar night, uninhabitance etc.) These aims are coordinated with the Ministry of Extraordinary Situations and the Center of Catastrophe Medicine.
8. It is supposed to investigate the efficacy of different types of communication and navigation.

Главная ] Экспедиция "Сто дней на Урале" ] Экспедиция "Северный Полюс-94" ] Экспедиция "Дорогами России 97" ] Экспедиция "Камчатка 99" ] По следам Ермака (этап I) ] По следам Ермака (этап II) ] Путешествия на роликах ] "Самая прекрасная дорога" Н. Рундквист ] Сквозь всю Германию "ГеРоллер ХxI" ] Экспедиция "Белуха-2001" ] Экспедиция "Сотый меридиан" ] "The Hundredth meridian" Expedition ]
