The movement curve on the stage:[ The time-table of the stage 6 ]
Stage 6. Kotuy
TURA (64 ° 16') - KHATANGA (71 ° 58')
Extension - 1395 km
Locomotion - hiking, rafting
The winter way goes from the north-western end of the Tura town . The way clambers up the right-bank nizhnetungusskie hills. This is the southern border of the Syverma plateau, belonging to the massif of Middle-Siberian plateau. The mountains are covered with the same deciduous forest, but it can thin out on the flat peaks, taking place to the elements of tundra vegetation. In addition, it must be mentioned that in former time on the Syverma plateau conflagrations raged, which left the ashes for the thousands of square kilometers.
Most likely, in ten kilometers the winter way disappears. The expedition continues hiking to the north-west towards the mouth of the Untuun river (left tributary of Kochechum). In the mouth of Uutun (75 km from Tura) - we stop for daytime and for building of catamaran in order to cross the Kochechum river.
The next 75 km we go strictly northward by azimuth in the style of "stupid linearity". Within the last 15 km we cross the karst-place before the next meeting with Kochechum. We approach Kochechum in the mouth of the Gutkengde River. There is some winter hut (most likely its remains) of the same name directly opposite it. We don't exclude the variant when we move with the azimuth of 340°, go out to the Gutkengde river at a distance of 25 km above the mouth, then we raft down it. In any case we can't avoid the second building of catamaran for the recurring passage, that's why such variant is quite logic. There are rapids near the mouth to Gutkengde. After the second day on the left bank of Kochechum we go further north. The character of locality is the same. In two days we come up to the Ovgog river, in other two days we reach the Hologu-Vojevoli lake, from the northern border of which rafting down Vojevolikhan begins. According to the map information there is the hut on the eastern bank of the lake. Along the whole its length Vojevolikhan terribly twists along the lowland lying to the north-east from the Umnym (Syverma) eminence. The abundance of lakes and waterlogged banks guarantee the inevitability of active using of oars. It is off the question to use an outboard motor, because there is no any inhabited place along all the sixth stage.
Kotuy. The length of the river is 1409 km, the basin area is 176.000 It originates on the Putorana plateau. In some places, Kotuy is quiet, twisting, in other places - fast, and full of rapids. It freezes at the end of September - the first half of October. Usually there is mean water on the river before freezing. Two last circumstances can make things difficult for us, because finish in Khatanga is planned to the end of September, and mean water will reduce current velocity of the river. We have to use all-day rafting by the inflatable mean of locomotion with the area 1.5-2 times as much as the area of traditional catamaran. There it's necessary to place a tent, an awning, to organise a fireplace. We need a good supply of warm clothing since it's very uncomfortable to be on the water in the rain (snow) and the wind. In case of extreme need (the river stops) we can hike to Khatanga.
About the climate. In September the temperatures +3- 8 °C are the most probable at the beginning of the month to
-5-7 °C at the end. During all the period everyday night frosts are more than possible, as well as raining, snowing and sleeting. Also we can expect some lovely dry days with temperature increasing up to +10 °C.
Practically all the stage takes place in the zone of light-coniferous forest (Daur larch). Among the most widespread representatives of fauna there are elk, hare, brown bear, and glutton. There are a lot of wood-grouses and hazel-grouses. Kotuy and its tributaries are very rich of umber, salmon trout, whitefish, omul, white salmon, loach. The last circumstance can turn the stage into the nice recreation.
In the context of political division, Kotuy leads the expedition from Evenkiya to Taymyrskiy (Dolgano-Nenetskyi) Autonomous Region. The Khatanga village (pop 5.600) is the centre of Khatangskyi area. It was founded by Russian field men in 1626. In the village one can find port, fish-factory, geological party, hothouse market gardening. Squadron attendant the entire Arctic basin including flights to the North Pole is the most advanced enterprise.